Thursday, June 19, 2008

Socialism REVEALED

The Democratic Liberals raise the ugly head of socialism. Their call for government ownership of refineries to return ownership to the American people is THE BIG LIE.


Democratic Liberals constantly hound you with the evils of big corporations that OWN ALL OF YOUR STUFF. Statements calling for goverment ownership of refineries so that they can return ownership to the American People is a TRANSPARENT BIG LIE. Check your pension plan, your 401k funds and your IRA... you probably already own some energy stocks. If you dont, you might consider it. Teachers, Firemen, Police Union pensions funds... that's who owns the oil refineries. The obnoxious representation of the Democratic Liberals as the corporations being apart from and against the public, and as owning ALL OF YOUR STUFF is the BIG LIE.


WIKIPEDIA: Socialism refers to a broad array of ideologies and political movements with the goal of a socio-economic system in which property and the distribution of wealth are subject to control by the public.[1] This control may be either exercised through popular collectives such as workers' councils in a voluntary arrangement or on behalf of the people through state policies. As an economic system, socialism is often characterized by state, worker, or community ownership of the means of production, goals which have been attributed to, and claimed by, a number of political parties and governments throughout history.

It is interesting how quickly the democratic liberals would chose to socialize the petroleum refining industry.

Then cite Norway and Venezuela as examples, why do we want to tailor our civilization on those examples? I like our system of capitalistic virtues. Our problem isnt that we need to be more socialistic, what we need is to be more capitalistic.

Citizens ALREADY OWN the oil refineries by investing in their stock. The democratic Liberals want to represent corporations as entities that OWN YOUR STUFF. This in itself is a BIG LIE. Investors like your pernsion plan, your 401k and IRA own these corporations already.

What we need to do is distribute ownership more. Bush was very inciteful suggesting allowing partial Social Security investment in funds and stocks. That is OUR WAY to share ownership in this country. What we need to do is create more wealth in this country, we do that by consuming more, not less as the democratic liberals suggest.

Yes we need a system where consumption is done repsonsilbly and safely, that is our Governments repsonsibility to devise regulations that ensure public safety WITHOUT IMPARING PRODUCTIVITY AND GROWTH. I dont want a government that encourages shinking our consumption thus our prosperity.


The Democratic Liberals want socialism, socialism is not a moral imperative. A wealthy country of endless opportunity and expansion is a moral imperative. Their system of choice would dictate sharing a shrinking pie, I want to share in an expanding economy (pie). The DEMOCRATIC LIBERALS will change our way of life by preaching a philosophy of guilt and regression and dimishing individual ownership. Understand clearly they dont like our system. THEY WILL CHANGE IT.

Do you really want a world where there are no Edisons, Fords, Rockefellers or Bill Gates and Warren Buffets?

These Democrats speak of capitalism as an EVIL. Beware of them if you value a land of unlimited opportunity.

Instead of preaching sacrifice and guilt I would encourage our citizens to solve the problems that stand in the way of our high standard of living and to mange an even higher standard with more consumption for everyone.


There is no evidence that there are any poor politicians in our federal system. There is no evidence that any of those calling for less consumption are assuming that applies to them as well. Are they turning down their thermostats, driving smaller cars, curtailing their own consumption?


That is what elitests are, those that see the MASSES as apart from who they are and subject to different rules and regulations due to their lesser status.


Because our civilization (read that as a capitalistic republic) we can give 15 BILLION to help eradicate AIDS in Africa. That is a factor of our WEALTH and our ability to translate that into ACTION. Our job is to create more wealth and to continue to do waht good we can with that wealth, that means raising our standard of living which meanns increasing production and consumption. OR WAIT FOR NORWAY OR VENEZUELA TO DO IT.

No offense meant to Norway

Ownership of a major FIDELITY FUND



this fund from 2003 to 2008 went from $10,000 to $17,000
to answer the question as to where the profits go. They go to the owners of these funds.


U.S. Household Ownership of Mutual Funds, 1980–2002*
(number and percent of all U.S. households)
1980 1984 1988 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002
Millions of U.S. Households
4.6 10.2 22.2 25.8 30.2 36.8 44.4 51.7 54.2

It's clear why the Democrats dont want more ownership by the public of corporate America. The more dividend checks that go out, the less likely the public is to believe that Coporate America is the BOOGEY BEAR. Thus their apparent abhorance of the Bush investment plan. Where is the Democratic party if our citizens are participating, as they should be, in the benefits of corporate America? I couldnt find any numbers for 2003-2008 but at the increases in 1980-2002 I would believe we are at 65% of households invest now, that isnt enough. If you want to OWN YOUR STUFF you need to start investing. That's OUR WAY.

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